Success with the Wonders of Weight Loss Package
Posted on August 17th 2020
Being locked down during this pandemic made me think outside the box on how to help people with their weight loss goals and to give them the opportunity to use many different types of therapy accessible in one place for one price. And so The Wonders of Weight Loss Package was created! It’s been a couple of months now and the feedback and success that my clients have been having has been amazing! Here is one example of the journey one beautiful lady has been experiencing using the Weight Loss Package.
Gosh what a strange time this is!
Posted on May 7th 2020
I’ve written a few tips for anyone struggling at the moment... Anxiety is at an all time high at the moment for many people and it can feel overwhelming and difficult to shut off these overriding anxiety gremlins! By starting to understand yourself and the way your body and mind are reacting you can begin to regain some control over your thoughts and feelings...
Why are we feeling so tired?
Posted on May 1st 2020
The reason many of us may be feeling tired now is that our bodies can only remain in fight or flight for so long - we have all stepped up in some way- we stepped up in anxiety and fear, we stepped up in conversations, stepped up in helping - in connecting - in learning new ways of communicating, we stepped up in home schooling and family dynamics.
Treating Migraines with Reiki
Posted by Michelle on February 21st 2017
See the effect Reiki can have on treating migraines.