


I first met Michelle when I was in great need of help, even as a fellow therapist I had given so much to my clients both people and animals but I was burnt out and I just couldn't shake my anxiety and at times depression. I immediately felt a warm caring trusting feeling which allowed me to open up about my past so that I could finally move forward. 

Through her 1:1 sessions and her group sessions I feel like a completely different person for the first time in the whole of my life I feel free from the depression, I feel worthy and content. 

I am now learning about who I really am now that I am free, and with the help and inspiration from Michelle, I feel that I can finally be true to myself. I am now training to become a mediation therapist and spiritual counsellor alongside the Animal Behaviourist and therapist work that I already do. 

I will always be so grateful for the help and support that Michelle has given as I really don't know where I would be if I hadn't met her.

The group that she runs is incredible and I believe that having this support on a daily basis not just once in a month or 2 months is the key to really achieving the goal of feeling worthy, content, and at peace with yourself. 

She is a true inspiration and I will be forever grateful to her for giving me my life back no words can really say what she has given me and helped me let go of. Although I am sure I will need support in learning how to achieve my goals.

So thank you, Michelle.

Love and blessings to you all 

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